Sell your gold – DIAMOND AND WATCH BUYERS Diamonds & Beyond | COLORADO GOLD MART | Diamonds and Jewelry Buyers Wed, 28 Apr 2021 06:49:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sell your gold – DIAMOND AND WATCH BUYERS 32 32 Selling Gold In Phoenix Has Never Been Better Fri, 14 May 2021 17:29:46 +0000

Let’s talk about Gold – the precious metal that has been used in jewelry, artifacts and as currency ever since the dawn of civilization. This yellow, shiny material has always been an attractive sight to behold, and because there is only a limited amount of gold available in the world, it’s value will always remain strong no matter how much time has passed.

This makes gold a great investment for those looking to invest in physical items. Gold coins, gold bars and bullion are just some of the ways you can invest in gold, but for most people, buying gold jewelry is the most common way to own a piece of the precious metal to keep for the years to come.

Selling Gold in Phoenix Has Never Been Better

Phoenix, AZ is a boomtown for Gold and other precious metals like silver. One little known fact about Arizona is the fact that this state is the USA’s largest copper-producing state, and fifth-largest silver producer.

Because of this, major mining companies have made their home in Arizona, and with Phoenix being Arizona’s capital, the city has always had a special interest in the buying and selling of gold and silver trade, ensuring that investors and collectors alike can always buy and sell their gold and silver in Phoenix without worry.

Consequently, over the decades, the jewelry buying and selling trade in Phoenix has blossomed into a full fledged industry, attracting professional gold, silver and diamond appraisers from all over the country to make their trade in the Valley of the sun. At Diamond and Jewelry Buyers, our team of jewelry experts are highly experienced and have trained in some of the world’s leading capitals of jewelry – namely Hong Kong, Israel and India.

Wherever you find to sell your gold in Phoenix, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you will be getting some of the best prices you can ever find in the U.S.A.

Don’t need your Jewelry anymore? Sell it to Diamond and Jewelry Buyers!

If you’re looking for a place to sell your old jewelry, we can help. Diamond and Jewelry Buyers are professional jewelry buyers and sellers based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Visit our store at 15231 N 87th St, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260, United States – or call us at (480) 991-3581 for any enquiries that you might have. We look forward to seeing you and providing you with only the best service possible.

The Best Way To Sell Gold In Phoenix Tue, 04 May 2021 15:09:13 +0000

There’s no doubt that Gold is one of the world’s oldest forms of valuable currency. Since the dawn of civilization, this precious metal has been minted in all shapes and sizes, and has been used in all kinds of jewelry and priceless artifacts across the world.

Here’s a little known fact – ever since it was first discovered, gold has been recycled, which is why this precious metal will always hold its value! So whether you have an antique family heirloom like a gold wedding ring, or even dental gold, you can always find a buyer for it.

However, the question here is – what is the best way to sell this gold and how can I get the most value out of it? At some point in time, you might need some extra cash in your life to pay for something else that you value, and especially in this economy, it’s always a good idea to have cash for emergencies.

The Best Way To Sell Gold In Phoenix

There are numerous ways you can sell gold, no matter where you are in the world. You can sell them to individual buyers on online platforms such as facebook marketplace or ebay, or you can use word of mouth to let people in your network know that you’re looking to offload some precious metals in exchange for cash.

These methods can be rewarding, but can often be time-consuming and if you’re in a hurry to sell your gold, you might find that it won’t be an effective use of your time and effort.

However, if you’re in Phoenix, AZ, the best way to sell your gold is to look for a local jewelry buyer who will give you a professional appraisal. At Diamond and Jewelry Buyers, we promise to give a fair quote to all our customers, based on expert opinions honed through years of experience in the jewelry trade both in the USA or internationally.

Don’t need your Gold anymore? Sell it to Diamond and Jewelry Buyers!

If you’re looking for a trustworthy place to sell your Gold, we can help. Diamond and Jewelry Buyers are professional jewelry buyers and sellers based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Visit our store at 15231 N 87th St, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260, United States – or call us at (480) 991-3581 for any enquiries that you might have. We look forward to seeing you and providing you with only the best service possible.
